Huw Llewellyn Huw Llewellyn


I have returned from NZ having attended Mystery creek ag show with Alistair and Kim. It was a great boys trip. I think Lardner Park farmworld is better and has animals. Hopefully I have made contact with a sheep genetisist at Massey. We had 23mls of rain whilst away. The paddocks are growing quite well. The white rams are out. The luxton blacks are back in the bottom paddocks.

The ewe lambs have been vaccinated with Gudair today.

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Huw Llewellyn Huw Llewellyn


I have sprayed Cape weed in Gibbs, camp site and Rand paddocks with MCPA. Ventraked Cato paddock hoping to get the grass through the broad leaves. The worst cape weed infestation ever. I aim to use Cato and right swamp for forage crops for the next 3years.

The chickens have gone feral for 3 nights and survived.

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Winter is coming
Huw Llewellyn Huw Llewellyn

Winter is coming

We have hit winter. Cold, wind and rain. 20mls so far. A large pine blew down in Luxton drive. David and I have removed it from the road. 21 old Wiltshire ewes have gone to Jill and Gary. The ewe lambs have been given their second dose of 6/1. Catriona and I have collected discarded silage from the paddocks for the garden. David Porat has come to assess the bore situation. We may even start the resurection tomorrow!

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Vaccines and Cato grass
Huw Llewellyn Huw Llewellyn

Vaccines and Cato grass

Vaccinated all the ewes with 2nd dose 6/1. 21c today. We will hopefully get some rain next week. The prediction is for a long warm, dry winter.

21.5. The ewe lambs now had 2nd vaccination with 6/1. Then moved to left swamp paddock. 5of the smallest ewe lambs gone to Barry Aston. Another 11mls of rain with 3 days of warm sunshine.

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Gibbs Paddock
Huw Llewellyn Huw Llewellyn

Gibbs Paddock

Trimming vine. Hopefully second vaccination if 6/1 tomorrow. Also starting to attack cape weed.

Jill and Gary’s sheep sorted and in Gibbs paddock. The internal hot wire working in the windmill paddock. I have finished the “incontinence Pad” for storing silage next year.

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Quince jelly
Huw Llewellyn Huw Llewellyn

Quince jelly

Had a glorious 21 mls overnight and still warm. Hopefully this will kick germination on. Puddles on the ground, something we haven’t seen in many months. I get the impression the clover is growing in front of my eyes.

Also making quince jelly from the last of the fruit.

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Huw Llewellyn Huw Llewellyn


Switched to 6/1 vaccination. Ewe lambs, commercials, luxtonblacks and studs with rams done. Massimo (Wiltipoll ram) going to Dave for a water delivery. Yes the drought meant The 44 luxton tank ran dry

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Huw Llewellyn Huw Llewellyn


Split all our wood so that Catriona can create another native grass area. Actually I think it is to stop me making a mess.

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