Current jobs.
Early to mid April involves preparing and sowing the new pastures. The Cato paddock is going to be oats/vetch/peas for Spring silage. The wetlands paddock is pasture, Rye, Cocksfoot, Clovers, Chicory and Plantain. This works well on our heavy soils. The latter paddock and the turned over stock camps are now sown (13.4). The oats will be sown next week after the Capeweed has sprouted and been harrowed out. Both paddocks have been given fresh chook poo as a natural fertiliser.
The Melbourne Uni parasite study with Abdul continues. Kate comes on Wednesday mornings to collect fresh faeces from 20 ewes from the black and white flocks. I am trying to support my observation that the black Wiltshires have a lower worm burden. As yet the results are not strong but we persist! Next week, we collect and then drench. then 1 month later we start collecting again.
The ewes are now getting two round silage bales a week. There seems so little nutrition in the grass. The Brix is almost zero. The wethers are getting oats in an attempt to maintain their carcass weight.
The Wiltshire Horn breed tolerates the temperature changes well. They have plenty of shelter. Their winter coats are coming on well. They are such a good breed for southern Victoria.