Both ewe flocks now have had 6 in 1 booster. The Narooma girls and the maidens will get it next week. The Luxton blacks are eating a bale of silage in 24 hrs, the others every 3 days. With the weather turning cold we must keep their energy levels up. The Luxtons and studs will move onto new pastures early next week. The Gippsland mob are eating silage but still love their oats, 10kgs every other day. At last we are getting some rain. 6 mls yesterday. Both new paddocks are shooting well. Nettles are prolific in specific areas, where old cypress trees were and in camping areas.
The experiment on Barley grass eradication is working well in two areas. The dryness of the soil is a real issue. Cape weed is rearing it’s ugly head but I hope it is much less obvious in the Cato paddock.